In the third week of October, a pivotal discussion centered around the pivotal role of physical activity in enhancing people’s overall well-being took place during a significant Monday meeting. This vital issue had also captured the attention of the World Health Organization (WHO), which had launched its ambitious “Global Action Plan on Physical Activity 2018-2030” back in 2018. This comprehensive plan delineates four policy action areas and presents 20 specific policy recommendations and actions intended for member states, international partners, and WHO itself, with the overarching goal of promoting increased physical activity worldwide.
The essence of this global action plan can be encapsulated in its call for countries and communities to embrace a “whole-system” approach. This approach encourages all sectors and stakeholders, operating at global, regional, and local levels, to collaborate in creating safe and supportive environments that offer more opportunities for individuals to elevate their levels of physical activity.
This program leaves no demographic untouched, encompassing all age groups within the population, from children to the elderly. Its primary objective is to combat the global epidemic of physical inactivity, aiming for a remarkable 15% reduction in physical inactivity rates worldwide by the year 2030.
In light of this compelling global vision, the discussion held during the October meeting was marked by intense deliberations and profound insights. MAGISNAT scientists, much like their counterparts at the WHO, underscored the paramount importance of embracing a Mediterranean lifestyle and, by extension, advocating for moderate physical activity as a cornerstone of population well-being.*
The convergence of these perspectives underscores the recognition that physical activity is not merely an option but a necessity for the promotion of holistic well-being. It transcends borders, demographics, and age groups, serving as a universal pathway towards healthier and more fulfilling lives.*
As the dialogue between organizations like WHO and forward-thinking entities like MAGISNAT continues to evolve, it is clear that a shared commitment to improving global health and well-being through physical activity serves as a unifying force. The collective efforts of such organizations hold the promise of a healthier, more active, and happier world in the years to come.
*It is important to note that this article does not intend to provide medical and lifestyle advice, and the purpose of the summary of scientific bibliography is cultural insight. The article does not suggest that dietary supplements have therapeutic, diagnostic or preventive properties for any disease or condition. It is not intended as advice to use dietary supplements in any modality or for any purpose. Only a physician and/or nutritionist can provide advice in the areas of nutrition, prevention, and health.
MAGISNAT has proven to be the first company in the world to focus its research and products on natural molecules derived from plants typical of the Mediterranean diet, and, in addition, MAGISNAT uses omics approaches, such as genomics, metabolomics and microbiomics to highlight any altered functions of the body and subsequently personalize the diet with its own dietary supplements.
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Company Name: MAGISNAT
Contact Person: Matteo Bertelli MD, PhD
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